Warehouse space let in St Andrews on offer from DM Hall
Kirsty Johansson
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The let of Slotline House, a 288 sq m (3,100 sq ft) warehouse and store in Largo Road, St Andrews, is on offer at an annual rent of £18,000 from DM Hall, one of Scotland’s largest independent firms of chartered surveyors.
The property occupies a prominent roadside location on a main arterial route through the bustling Fife town and is close to a number of high-profile traders including Marks & Spencer, Plumbline and Aldi.
Contained on the ground floor of a two storey traditional brick/block building, access is via a shared ground floor entrance plus a separate “up and over” service door. The owner is seeking a long lease to be agreed but is flexible on lease terms. Immediate entry is available.
Jim Honeyman of DM Hall’s Dundee office who is overseeing the letting, said: “These premises occupy an established position within St Andrews with a good mix of retail, trade counters and residential properties nearby.
“They would be ideal as a base for a wholesale or internet business. Alternatively it may be possible to convert to office or similar uses subject to obtaining the necessary consents.”
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