Feedback & Complaints Procedure
If we have a complaint, then this note sets out the general procedure we will follow in dealing with any complaint.
- We have appointed a person in each of our offices or departments to deal with complaints. If you have a question or if you would like to make a complaint, please don’t hesitate to contact the appointed person. In the first instance all complaints should be directed to the office, person or department where the report originated from.
- If you have initially made your complaint verbally – whether face-to-face or on the phone – please also make it in writing addressed to the office.
- Once we have received your written complaint, we will contact you in writing within seven working days. At this stage we will give you our understanding of your case. We will also invite you to make any further comments that you may have in relation to this.
- Within twenty-eight days of receipt of your written summary, we will write to you, to inform you of the outcome of this internal investigation into your complaint and to let you know what actions we have taken or will take.
- If you are dissatisfied with any aspect our handling of your complaint or the outcome of our internal investigation, an appointed person usually out with the original office, will personally conduct a separate review of your complaint and contact you within twenty-one working days to inform you of the conclusion of this review.
- Where the appointed person has been involved with your complaint at an earlier stage we will ensure that the independent review is carried out by an individual who has had no previous involvement with your complaint.
- If you remain dissatisfied with any aspect of our internal handling of your complaint and/or separate review, then the matter may be referred to an independent redress provider as noted below:
For consumer clients: CEDR: 70 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1EU.
For business to business clients: CEDR Solve, RICS Dispute Resolution Service, Arbitration Procedure for Surveying Disputes or Neutral Evaluation Procedure for Surveying Disputes.
Addresses for the above are available on request