Planning Expert Joins Baird Lumsden
Kirsty Johansson
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Property specialist Baird Lumsden has secured the services of recognised planning expert James Reilly, MRTPI, as its new Head of Planning Consultancy.
James, 40, is a chartered town planner who comes from Bellshill but now lives in East Lothian. He went to Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh where gained a masters in town planning.
He has a wide range of experience, including senior positions with a local authority in rural Northumberland, with Homes for Scotland, the industry body for private house builders in Scotland, and as a senior planner for a worldwide property and real estate company. James therefore has relevant experience of the land use planning systems operating in Scotland and England and can advise existing and potential clients on both sides of the border.
James, who took up his post this month (March) will have responsibility for all major planning issues and will work primarily from Baird Lumsden’s Edinburgh office as well as undertaking regular responsibilities at the firm’s Bridge of Allan office.
He said: “I am delighted to be joining Baird Lumsden, which has an enviable reputation for professionalism, standards and the highest possible level of client service.
“I will engage with everything to do with the land use planning system within the firm, including advising clients on their land interests and holdings, submitting planning applications on their behalf, making representations to local development plans and acting as an expert witness at Local Plan Enquiries. It is my job to guide existing and new Baird Lumsden clients through the complexities of the land use planning system.
“I will interact with planners and local authorities on taking applications through the system. Depending on size, I will be involved in pre-application consultations, which are now required by the new planning Act in Scotland. This means speaking to local residents and the local community.
“Effectively, I will be involved with everything to do with planning, from small-scale change of use applications to major developments involving hundreds of houses.”
Gordon King, senior partner at Baird Lumsden, said: “It is a great pleasure to be able to welcome James to the Baird Lumsden team. He is a consummate property professional and his knowledge of the planning structures in Scotland is unrivalled.
“With his input as a catalyst, we expect to grow the Planning Consultancy very quickly to be able to continue to give our clients the best possible advice and guidance at the time and place that they need it.”
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