Inverurie Director, Greig Baxter, celebrates 15th Anniversary with DM Hall!
Kirsty Johansson
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We caught up with Greig Baxter, Director of our Inverurie office who is celebrating 15 years with DM Hall! We would like to wish Greig the very best and thank him for his hard work and dedication over his time with the firm. Congratulations Greig and here’s to the next 15!
• What are a few memorable moments of the past 15 years working here?
There has been quite a few over the years, including the many Christmas Parties. However I suppose the most memorable moment would have to be passing my Assessment of Professional Competence to become a Chartered Surveyor.
I have also worked with a lot of great characters during my 15 years, which has shaped my career, and made DM Hall an enjoyable place to work.
Another memorable moment would be carrying out a survey for a very well-known celebrity, someone who is a national icon, and bit of an idol of mine! Unfortunately I am not in a position to divulge their details but I am sure that won’t stop you guessing!
• How has your career/department progressed over the years?
I actually started with DM Hall as a part-time Surveying Assistant during my last year at University, which progressed to a full time Graduate position once I passed my Building Surveying Degree. My initial job interview commenced in the office but actually ended up in the pub across the road. I think I knew at that point I was going to fit in well, and enjoy my time at DM Hall!
Being a born and bred Inverurie boy it’s been great to develop my career with my local office, and I am grateful for the opportunities I have had, and the progression I have made, initially to Associate level, and more recently to Director.
• What are your goals for the future and how is DM Hall supporting you to achieve them?
I think quite simply, my goal is to continue to develop my career with DM Hall, and hopefully represent the North Region at a more senior level one day!
• What is the best book you have read and why?
To be honest, I am not much of a book-worm. I will occasionally take an Autobiography, or a crime novel on holiday however the Sport pages of a newspaper normally comes first!
• What is the best holiday you have been on and why?
I think it would have to be my honeymoon to Dubai and the Maldives, followed closely by my Stag-do to Munich! .. Obviously I cannot go into the details on why!
• Have you had a hair-raising encounter you would like to spill the details about?
There has been quite a few, in fact I could probably write a book, however this not the time or place!
• Tell us something not many people know about you…
My old university flat mate will be very surprised at this but I now like to cook! My old specialty of “Beans-on-toast” has now progressed to Peppered Steak Medallions with Whisky Sauce!
• Apart from being in property (of course!), what did you want to be when you grew up and why?
I think like every young lad at my School, I wanted to be a professional football player, and sign for my beloved “Dons”. Unfortunately it wasn’t long before it became apparent I was never going to make the grade.
• Who is / are your musical idols and why?
I have quite a varied music collection to be honest, but I was a big fan of Oasis back in the day and attended a number of their concerts, including their big Loch Lomond gig. I also have a fondness for the likes of Rod Stewart, Bob Dylan, and The Beatles to name a few.
• What’s the best thing about working in property?
Without doubt, it has to be surveying some of the large scale, high end properties we have in our area that most could only dream of owning…. perhaps one day maybe!
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