Eric Curran takes Chair of RICS in Scotland Residential Property Professional Group Board
Kirsty Johansson
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A prestigious and high-profile post in the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in Scotland has been filled by DM Hall’s Eric Curran, one of the country’s foremost experts in the residential property market.
Eric, who is managing partner of DM Hall LLP, one of Scotland’s leading firms of Chartered Surveyors, has taken the Chair of the RICS Scotland Residential Property Professional Group Board.
The appointment confirms Eric as one of the most influential authorities in the vitally important sector, and enhances DM Hall’s position within the pre-eminent professional body.
The Residential Professional Group represents a wide range of services – including agency practice and law, valuation, surveys, lettings and property management, housing supply, housing affordability and social housing – within residential practice.
Eric, 55, is a long-serving partner in the Glasgow North office of DM Hall LLP. He joined as an apprentice from Smithycroft School in Glasgow in 1978, before surveying became a graduate profession. He gained his experience from the ground floor upwards in both the residential and commercial arenas.
He said: “To take the Chair of the Residential Property Professional Group, which advises and guides surveyors on professional matters, represents a high point in my career and reflects credit on the professional standing of DM Hall.
“Residential property plays an important role in society. In addition to its primary purpose of meeting the housing requirements of the population, it is also a growing investment asset class.
“The residential market is once again extremely active and it is incumbent on the profession to maintain the highest possible standard of ethics and integrity in an area of commerce which is so inextricably linked with people’s lives.”
The Galloway-born property professional became a partner at DM Hall in 1989 and became managing partner in January 2014, with a mission to strive for professional excellence and to provide top quality advice for clients.
He specialises in residential property matters, providing professional advice in valuation, funding, disputes, tax calculations, investment and development. He was part of the original Home Report steering groups.
Sarah Spiers, Director of RICS Scotland, said: “RICS in Scotland is delighted to have been able to attract a professional of Eric’s calibre to chair the professional group. He is an acknowledged authority in the field and has the deserved respect of his peers.
“The residential property sector in Scotland is more active than it has been for some time, but it still faces significant challenges, and it is very encouraging to have someone like Eric as our residential property professional group board chair as we enter into a new phase of the market.”
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