Commercial office manager Becca Agnew celebrates ten years at DM Hall
Kirsty Johansson
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Our Edinburgh Commercial office manager, Becca Agnew, is celebrating her ‘Tin’ Anniversary this month! We managed to steal a few minutes from Becca’s hectic schedule to congratulate and ask her a few questions on how her life at DM Hall has progressed over the past 10 years.
How did you join DM Hall?
BA: When I joined DM Hall in 2006 I was fresh faced 17-year-old who had only ever worked in a pet shop! I joined DM Hall through an Agency and was interview by Chris Simpson, Edinburgh Agency Partner, and the then office manager Helen Rogers, it was a scary experience!
What are a few memorable moments of the past 10 years working here?
BA: I have so many memorable moments from my 10 years, most of which are either moments where I have embarrassed myself or having a good laugh at (sometimes with) my colleagues. The one thing I will always remember are the wonderful friends I have made, especially here in Edinburgh Commercial. I have really enjoyed my time with DM Hall, and hope to continue to do so for the next ten years!
How has your career progressed over the years?
BA: Over the years I have worked in almost every department that was based in my original office at Alva Street. I started off being employed as the office junior and have worked as a receptionist and as both commercial and agency secretary. After our move from Alva Street to the top floor at Corstorphine Road, I was appointed office manager for our Commercial Department. This is a role I am very much enjoying as I engage much more with the wider firm and have gained so much more knowledge on the workings of the firm and its offerings. It has also given me new challenges/projects which I have enjoyed working on.
From all of us at DM Hall, congratulations on your anniversary and thank you for your hard work.
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