DM Hall’s younger generation: Q&A with Property Enquiry Officer, Abbie Mitchell.
Kirsty Johansson
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We caught up with Abbie Mitchell, Property Enquiry Officer, part of the Legal Searches & Property Enquiries department based in our Dunfermline office. Abbie kindly spared some time to answer to the questions below.
- How did you join DM Hall?
I joined DM Hall in early 2014. I had recently left school and was recommended by a friend for the position of Apprentice Property Enquiry Officer at the Dunfermline branch. I was lucky to be given such an interesting and diverse opportunity at a young age. I’ve not looked back once!
- What is your role within the PECs department and how has it progressed over the years?
As mentioned before I started as an Apprentice, which included undertaking study for an SVQ Level 3 in Administration and IT but my position now is very different. My main role is that of a Property Enquiry Officer who is responsible for researching information and collating it into a Property Enquiry Certificate; a certificate that is required for the sale of any sort of property/land (but hopefully you already knew that…). I also help out when needed in the daily accounts within the office. I’m currently being trained in Legal Searching which is challenging but I enjoy seeing and learning about all aspects of my department. Hopefully a “Jack of all Trades” – one day!
- What are your goals for the future and how is DM Hall supporting you to achieve them?
My goals for the future are to continue progressing through my career within DM Hall. I feel that I’ve done well so far for my age so I am excited to see what the future holds – hopefully many positive opportunities. DM Hall supports me to further myself nearly every day with constant training and advice, regardless of what is it! Every day is a school day in Dunfermline!
On a personal level I hope to undertake further study in the near future; I’m interested in business and law. I’ve been considering a range of courses to undertake – I just need to be decisive and get going! I’ve recently started jogging; which is not easy! I’ve been a regular at the gym but jogging is a different league altogether for my little legs. So I’m aiming to jog further each week – a small goal but a goal nonetheless.
- What is the best book you have read and why?
The best book I’ve read is “Big Little Lies” by Liane Moriarty. I loved this book as it was intriguing from the get go; you knew a crime had been committed from the beginning but there was no clue as to who was the victim and who was the perpetrator! I loved the variety of characters too; anything that is a character study is a big yes in my eyes. I was so excited to see that the book was made into a drama that recently aired on Sky Atlantic with Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman – I still don’t know which I preferred more; the book or the drama!
- What is the best holiday you have been on and why?
I’m recently just back from a long weekend in Rome where my mum celebrated her 50th birthday. It was hands down the best holiday I’ve been on. The city is so beautiful and every street is interesting with its cobbles and wee cafes. There was so much to do; my feet were killing me! Plus I ate croissants for breakfast and pizza for tea every day – which is a HUGE plus. I’d go back in a heartbeat.
- Tell us something not many people know about you…
In 2011, at T in the Park somehow I had managed to get VIP access from a friend – a completely different TITP experience from the usual! I was heading into a “posh” portaloo and a woman was holding the door open for me. I didn’t realise who the woman was until I was trying to find hand sanitizer in my bumbag – it was Debbie Harry from Blondie! My tiny claim to fame.
- Apart from being in property (of course!), what did you want to be when you grew up and why? –
When I was growing up I really wanted to be a midwife as I’ve always loved babies and the thought of helping people welcome a family. It was something I thought quite seriously about until I realised the stress and upset it could potentially bring to my life. I’m glad I didn’t pursue it now – I’m really happy where I am. You never know where you will end up!
- Who is / are your musical idols and why?
I don’t particularly have a specific idol but I do admire girl bands such as the Spice Girls, Little Mix and ladies like Beyoncé. I love anything “girl power”; showing little girls that it’s cool to be independent and whoever you want to be! I desperately wanted to be “Sporty Spice” when I was little – which is now ridiculous as sporty is most definitely not me!
- What’s the best thing about working in this industry?
My favourite thing about this industry is that although I deal with similar property and land every single day, no two properties or pieces of land are the same. Every day is different with a wide range of challenges. Some are a nightmare but some are a walk in the park. Keeps me on my toes!