For Sale/To Let – Retail/Class 1a Premises
Status: Under Offer
7 - 11 Main Street,
Bannockburn ,
For Sale,
To Let,
(per annum)
- Sizes:
- 1578 sqft,
- 147.6 ㎡
Type: For Sale / To Let
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- Flexible retail/class 1a premises
- Busy town centre location
- Ground, first and attic floors
- Potential to sub-divide
- Possible development opportunity subject to statutory approvals
The subjects occupy a prominent town centre location on the southern side of Main Street, to the west of its junction with Quakerfield (A9), lying within the heart of Bannockburn.
Bannockburn itself comprises an established town within Stirlingshire lying on the southeastern outskirts of Stirling, astride the A9 and A872 road routes.
The town provides a variety of private and local authority housing together with appropriate local retail, educational and associated facilities, with more extensive provisions afforded within nearby Stirling which forms the main administrative centre for the surrounding district.
In terms of the subjects themselves the property occupies a prominent position in the heart of Bannockburn town centre with nearby occupiers including Bannockburn Dental Practice, All In One Takeaway and Hair Options.
The subjects comprise two independent ground floor retail units together with two separate former first floor and attic flats, all of which are contained within a mid-terraced two storey and attic building. The property is constructed in a variety of stonework and rendered brick, under a pitched and slated roof which incorporates slate clad dormer windows.
The premises have been extended to the rear, the main projection being single storey in height and of concrete block construction, under a flat roof.
The two ground floor premises are separated by a common close which leads to an external stair which affords access to the upper floor sections.
In addition to the main building the subjects have the benefit of a series of external stores which are located to the rear.
Both of the ground floor retail sections have the benefit of appropriate trade frontages.
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Contact Details
Branch: FalkirkTelephone: 01324 628321
Agent Bio: View here